Monday, January 2, 2012

17 days to go...

I know I have been a huge slacker! I have completely ignored our blog. Hopefully I'll be better in 2012...

The past month has been full of washing baby clothes etc, packing bags, installing the car seat, and setting up the co-sleeper, swing, and bouncer. We are preparing for our little bundle of joy to arrive.

Kaylee has been head down since at least November and growing fast! It's amazing how quickly time has flown since we found out we were expecting! With only 17 days until the due date, I have been experiencing a few signs of "early labor." I have a wide array of emotions - excitement, joy, fear, anxiety, etc... I believe the unknown is what drives the fear and anxiety - labor will be a whole new experience for our little family. Come what may, we are as ready as we can be!

I have my weekly doctor appointment Wednesday. We will see if there have been any changes in my cervix....

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Monday, August 29, 2011

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!


It's offical, Brian and I are expecting a little girl, Kaylee Anne Conover! We couldn't be more excited! The ultrasound tech said she weighed 9oz. It's hard to believe how big she has gotten and how much bigger she's going to get.

I know my mom is probably one of the most excited to be expecting her first granddaughter. She has already purchased several little girl outfits, including hangers, and she has prematurely changed the nursery at her house to be gender neutral. Between all of her loving relatives, Kaylee will be one of the most spoiled little girls in the world!

I have been able to feel her kicking and punching in there for a few weeks now, but Brian can't feel her yet. He understands that she is still too small and isn't too disappointed. In a few weeks, he'll be able to feel her too!

We can't wait to meet our little girl!!!


Monday, August 1, 2011


22 more days until we will know if it's a little boy or girl! As long as he/she cooperates! We can hardly wait! :-)

 Pregnancy Ticker

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hi Mommy and Daddy!

On Monday, Brian, Mom, Kelly, Sterling, and I went to see little peanut most for the 1st time in person. When the tech started, peanut was jumping around in there like a little "mexican jumping bean" - I say he/she was using my bladder as a trampoline! He/she wouldn't cooperate, turning every way except the way the tech wanted him/her to. Then all of a sudden he/she turns to face us and waves!
It was the cutest thing! Then he/she went back to being stubborn. I was sent to the bathroom then had to flip from left side to right side, sit up, lay back down, repeat - NOTHING. I kept reminding Brian that this was certainly HIS child! Then he/she stops moving, all we could see was his/her little heart beating. I guess he/she was tired from all that jumping around!

Looks like I will be going for a repeat ultrasound Thursday at 10:30am. Here's hoping he/she isn't quite as stubborn Thursday!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

12 down +/-28 to go!

Today is a big day...I'M NO LONGER IN THE 1ST TRIMESTER!!! Hopefully I can say GOOD RIDDANCE to "morning sickness" (random, throughout the day queasiness), the inability to brush the inside of my teeth without gagging (or worse vomiting so that I can repeat the process all over again), and exhaustion (with no time for a nap) - even if only temporarily. So I say WELCOME 2nd trimester, I've been waiting for you!  

Friday, June 10, 2011

Little Raspberry

So yesterday was a big day. I went to the ultrasound appointment with low expectations for anything too exciting, but boy was I wrong! Our baby has more than doubled in size since the last appointment AND I got to hear his/her heartbeat!!! It was so exciting. I couldn't wipe the huge grin off my face. Our little raspberry's (apparently that's about how big he/she is) heart was beating so fast I could see it on the ultrasound. Brian was pretty disappointed he missed out, but he is planning to come to the next one July 11th.




Now it's off to St. Lucia tomorrow for a much needed vacation! We'll talk to you when we return! xoxo

Thursday, May 26, 2011

You're Way Early!

Well I had my first OB appointment last Wednesday. She just confirmed that I was indeed pregnant, answered a few questions I had, and set up a number of appointments - blood work on May 20th, ultrasound on May 25th and July 8th, and OB again on June 20th.

I was nervous about giving blood. I had never done it before and wasn't sure what to expect. I had no idea they would take so much blood. I couldn't watch because it made me lightheaded, but I made it through with no bruises! I guess everything was ok since they didn't call - "no news is good news"

Even though I knew I was "barely" pregnant, the ultrasound was a little disappointing since I was hoping to see more. When I got into the room the tech asked how far along I was, I told her 5 weeks and 6 days. She said I was "way early" and was surprised the Dr sent me so early since there were no signs of problems. But I did get to see what I now call our little "sack"
It's the little, barely noticeable circle in the black. The tech said everything looked good and scheduled another ultrasound for June 9th. Good thing for insurance!

Hopefully I will have more to report in 2 weeks. xo